Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Survived The Florida Cold

I just finished a few days away from the home and the office. My wife, my bride of 30 plus years, went to Florida for a few days. We stayed with friends in the deep peninsula of Florida where the sun shines, the temperatures are high and the alligators are in any deep pool of water. However this year is was different. The news cast was tauting that it was the coldest, longest cold temperature in almost 100 years! Great we were in the middle of it. The local folks were about to go nuts due to the cold! One morning there was a small patch of frost on the roof on the car.

We still did the things that you do in Florida. We went to the beach, didn't take a thick enough jacket for the cold and wind. Even the people visiting from New York were cold this day. We bought fruit and vegetables from a stand and they were working over time to get the crops in before they froze. We played golf but weren't able to wear shorts due to the cold, the wind, and the 'misery' of it all.

But with all the cold, the golf, the complaints, the wind and all the like; we had a great time. I discovered as I was sitting out NEXT to the pool that the Word was still the same. My time with God was sweet. The time I had to relax, read, journal and just spend time with God was awesome. It was warm in my heart! It was warm in the word. God's presence was with me on every golf hole, the restaurants we ate in, and the hot dog at the turn was awesome! The birds were beautiful, the 'gators' were big, and the time away was refreshing! Praise God.

So what did I learn? I learned what I already knew and that is that God is awesome and is in control of it all. Yes, I believe in a sovereign God. This takes a lot of worry away from me because I can trust him for it all. So when I think about the 'cold' I guess it is all relative. While the locals were concerned about some frost, back home it snowed about 3 inches! God is good in frost, snow, sun and wind, he is a great God to serve. So when we think about it all, well it's relative; "I Survived The Florida Cold!"

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